comp., MS |
سی دی (An optical storage medium for digital data) |
English thesaurus |
gen. |
compact disk -> комп. CD -> compact disk |
abbr. |
coastdown ؛concealment device ؛controls and displays ؛Diplomatic Corps ؛Career Development ؛Critical Dimension ؛call distribution ؛Call Disconnect (SS7) ؛Commercial Directorate (SEIC ABelonogov) ؛consolidated drained shear test ؛Civil Defence Corps ؛coast defense radar ؛Clinical Diagnosis |
abbr., account. |
current deposit |
abbr., adv. |
creative director ؛creative direction |
abbr., agric. |
contagious disease |
abbr., anim.husb. |
critical density |
abbr., auto. |
compact disc (changer) ؛capacitor discharge ignition ؛cathodic deposition ؛center differential ؛chassis dynamometer ؛compact discdisk ؛condenser discharge ؛cylinder deactivation ؛capacitor discharge (ignition) ؛capstan drive ؛confidential documents ؛constant depression |
abbr., automat. |
case depth |
abbr., avia. |
control display (Interex) ؛control drag (Interex) ؛calendar days ؛cancel distress ؛cargo door ؛change documentation ؛circuit dispersion ؛combination die ؛command disable ؛committed dates ؛communications department ؛communications desk ؛computer data ؛continued development ؛condition of detail ؛configuration discrete ؛configuration deviation ؛control and display ؛control documents ؛controlled drawing ؛construction drawing ؛coordination data ؛counter drill ؛course to a distance ؛critical deviation ؛curing date ؛container dolly (Interex) ؛certification demonstration ؛chip detector ؛configuration documentation |
abbr., busin. |
card ؛card distribution ؛carried ؛carried down ؛catalogued ؛centre distance ؛cold drawn ؛Commerce Department ؛commercial dock ؛commissioned ؛Cd cord ؛cost decrease ؛cost down ؛country damage ؛creditor and debtor ؛could ؛creditor's damage ؛currency devaluation ؛customary quick dispatch ؛cut off date ؛cash order |
abbr., cables |
main cross (MichaelBurov) ؛campus distributor (MichaelBurov) ؛MC (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., chem. |
continuous deionization |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Cadmium |
abbr., commer. |
Concept Decision ؛cash against documents ؛commercial department ؛continual development |
abbr., commun. |
collision detect |
abbr., comp., IT |
Compact Disk |
abbr., comp., net. |
compact-disk ؛calling device |
abbr., construct. |
construction document (Val_Ships) |
abbr., dat.proc. |
compact disk |
abbr., dentist. |
crown-down preparation (MichaelBurov) ؛crown down (< the concept is to widen the root canal with burs or files to remove dentin hangover and widen the canal orifices> MichaelBurov) ؛crown down preparation (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., dog. |
canine distemper |
abbr., dril. |
cementing depth |
abbr., drw. |
culvert for drain |
abbr., earth.sc. |
canopy diameter ؛catalytic detectors ؛chemical demineralization ؛Chemical Department ؛chloritoid ؛climatic division ؛climatological data ؛coefficient of determination ؛complex depression ؛complex low ؛constant diffusivity ؛contact discontinuity ؛coupled discrete models |
abbr., econ. |
certificate of delivery ؛cash against document |
abbr., el. |
calculating device ؛call deflection ؛call detector ؛capacity downchange ؛cartridge drive ؛cell delay ؛central dictation ؛characteristic distance ؛charge density ؛chromatic dispersion ؛clamp diode ؛climbing dislocation ؛clock delay ؛co-deposition ؛coherent demodulation ؛coherent detection ؛collector diffusion process ؛color developer unit ؛communication driver ؛compound distributor ؛compressed drive ؛conceptual dependency ؛constructive design ؛control dial ؛conversion direction ؛core pattern data ؛crucial dimension ؛crystal driver ؛cubic diamond structure ؛current driver ؛cyclic debugging ؛common domain |
abbr., el., scient. |
Circuit Design |
abbr., file.ext. |
Carrier Detect |
abbr., fin. |
Canadian Dollar |
abbr., food.serv. |
calorie deficit |
abbr., immunol. |
cluster of differentiation (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., insur. |
Commission du Danube |
abbr., isol. |
creepage distance (igisheva) |
abbr., IT |
committee draft ؛clock driver ؛C D description ؛collision detection |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Cells of Differentiation |
abbr., life.sc. |
cluster differentiation |
abbr., med. |
cadaver donor ؛Caesarian-delivered ؛cardiac dullness ؛cardiovascular disease ؛casualty department ؛celiac disease ؛common duct ؛communicable diseases ؛conjugate diameter of pelvic inlet ؛consanguineous donor ؛controlled drug ؛cystic duct ؛division of communicable disease ؛preparation subject to prescription requirement under the Misuse of Drugs Act ؛Cardiac Disease ؛Contact Dermatitis ؛cardiac death (Elmitera) ؛certified doula (DONA association KN) ؛Crohn's disease (ННатальЯ) ؛(doc090) ؛cervical dystonia (ННатальЯ) ؛Cardiovascular Diseases (код больничного отделения Ying) |
abbr., med., lat. |
conjugata diagonalis ؛curative dose |
abbr., med.appl. |
Color Doppler (harser) |
abbr., microel. |
computer display |
abbr., mil. |
channel designator ؛counterdrug ؛customer direct ؛command destruct ؛contract definition ؛countdown ؛Canadian Forces decoration ؛Communications Deception ؛Comptroller Division ؛Council Deputies ؛soman ؛Civil Defense |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
coastal defense (radar) ؛communication department |
abbr., mil., WMD |
calibration device |
abbr., neur.net. |
contrastive divergence (clck.ru dimock) |
abbr., nucl.chem. |
circular dichroism (CRINKUM-CRANKUM) |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Commencement Date |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
cellar deck (Lena Nolte) ؛Commercial Director (Sakhalin Energy) ؛compressor drive |
abbr., oil |
contract depth ؛complementary distribution ؛compensated density log ؛cable depth ؛cable drilling ؛cable driver ؛calcareous dolomite ؛carbon dioxide ؛carbonate dissolution ؛cartridge diameter ؛casing drilling ؛casing shoe depth ؛catalytic distillation ؛cathodic disbondment ؛cellulose diacetate ؛cement displacement ؛chalcedony ؛channel deposit ؛charge and discharge ؛chart division ؛checkered deck ؛chlorine demand ؛chlorite ؛circuit description ؛code ؛coefficient of drag ؛collection and distribution ؛color display ؛colorimetric determination ؛compact discss ؛completion date ؛compressed data ؛compression deflection ؛concentrator-diffuser ؛cone dragged ؛contracting definition ؛converging-diverging ؛conversion-dispersion ؛convolutional differentiator ؛cordierite ؛core driver ؛corrected depth ؛corundum ؛crater diameter ؛critical diameter ؛critical difference ؛crude distillation ؛current density ؛current display ؛customs declaration ؛cyclic deactivation |
abbr., ophtalm. |
cup-to-disc ratio (Баян) |
abbr., pharm. |
cyclodextrin |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cause of Death |
abbr., polit. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo |
abbr., polym. |
cold-drawn ؛cross direction ؛calendar day |
abbr., product. |
closed drainage (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., progr. |
conceptual domain (ssn) |
abbr., railw. |
Ceské Dráhy |
abbr., scottish |
Cavalry Division (USA) ؛Civil Defence |
abbr., snd.rec. |
compact disc digital audio system |
abbr., space |
command ship ؛Committee on Disarmament ؛compass deviation ؛controlled diffusion ؛convergent/divergent |
abbr., tech. |
control desk ؛case drain ؛Committee Draft (LyuFi) ؛Capacitor Diode (Vosoni) |
abbr., telecom. |
campus distributor ؛call detail record ؛carrier detected ؛carrier detector ؛contact disc |
abbr., textile |
cash dispenser ؛certificate of time deposit |
abbr., transp. |
Compact Design |
abbr., UN |
Conference on Disarmament |
abbr., UN, geol. |
chart datum |
chem., abbr. |
condenser |
energ.ind., abbr. |
capacitor discharge ؛carryover detection ؛certain day ؛characteristic data ؛closing date ؛concurrent development ؛control damper ؛cooldown ؛core damage |
invest., abbr. |
cum dividend |
invest., fin. |
certificate of deposit |
law, abbr. |
condemned ؛confidential document |
mil., abbr. |
camouflage detection ؛career development ؛center distance ؛central department ؛central district ؛certificate of destruction ؛certificate of discharge ؛chaff dispenser ؛change directive ؛check digit ؛chemical defense ؛chief of division ؛circular dispersion ؛civil defense ؛classification of defects ؛clothing depot ؛coastal defense ؛collateral damage ؛combat development ؛command decoder ؛common digitizer ؛comparable data ؛competitive design ؛concept definition ؛concept development ؛contract design ؛coordination document ؛critical defect |
O&G, abbr. |
compressor department |
polit., abbr. |
Chad |
tech., abbr. |
capacitance divider ؛capacitive discharge ؛chain data ؛charge displacement ؛chip density ؛clamping diode ؛clock delay mechanism ؛coastal defense radar ؛communications device ؛component development ؛condensate demineralizer ؛configuration-dependent ؛console display ؛controls and displays computer ؛copper dish ؛crystal diode |
tech., mil., avia. |
cable duct |
abbr., electr.eng. |
circuit description |
abbr. |
cash discount ؛candela (illumination) ؛caesarean delivery ؛candle (Vosoni) |
abbr., auto. |
Candela or candle |
abbr., busin. |
candela |
abbr., earth.sc. |
conductance ؛cord |
abbr., med. |
caudal |
abbr., oil |
canned |
abbr., telecom. |
change directory |
account. |
with the dividend |
chem. |
cadmium acetate (dimock) |
O&G |
cored |
abbr. |
cadmium ؛command |
abbr., earth.sc. |
chrome diopside ؛drag coefficient |
energ.ind. |
drag coefficient for single particle |
energ.ind., abbr. |
on dry basis fuel carbon |
abbr., phys. |
candel ؛candle |
polym. |
cord |
abbr. |
cordierite |
unit.meas. |
centidarcy (dicax) |